About Us

Our Team

  • John Arras

    John Arras


  • Laura Nelmark

    Laura Nelmark

    Associate Pastor

Board of Elders

In accordance with biblical principles, Abide Church acknowledges Jesus Christ as the ultimate authority and head of His Church. Drawing inspiration from the New Testament model of eldership, our Elders play a crucial role in shepherding and guiding the Body of Christ. They actively engage in hands-on ministry, offering spiritual leadership, support, and pastoral care to our congregation. Additionally, our Elders serve as a vital component of the church oversight board, ensuring that decisions align with biblical teachings and the overall vision of the church. Just as the elders in the early church provided wise counsel and guidance, our Elders are dedicated to fostering a community where all members can grow spiritually and flourish in their faith journey. Here’s our current Elders at Abide:

Bill & Katie


Bob & Nancy


Dan & Laura


John & Marci


David & Connie


Our Mission

To know Christ and to make Him known through authentic relationship.

(Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 22:37-39)

Our Vision

To be a covenant family pursuing wholehearted devotion to the Person of Jesus Christ by learning to abide in Him. Our expectation to be conformed to the image of God’s Son, is to unveil the mystery of God’s will; Christ in you, the hope of glory.

(John 15:4-5, Romans 8:28-30, Ephesians 1:9-12, Colossians 1:22-27)

Statement of Faith

Abide Church stands firm in its belief in the Triune God, acknowledging Him as the Eternal King who reigns in holiness, wisdom, and love. We recognize the sovereignty of God's providence and His redemptive plan, manifested through covenants established with humanity, leading to the ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Christ established His eternal kingdom, offering salvation and freedom from the dominion of sin and darkness.

We affirm the sufficiency of Scripture as the ultimate authority for faith and practice, guiding us in righteousness and revealing God's redemptive plan. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we engage in spiritual warfare, proclaiming the Gospel and advancing God's kingdom on earth. As part of the Body of Christ, we anticipate His glorious return, ushering in the final judgment and the consummation of His kingdom, where God will reign supreme for eternity.

  • We believe in the Eternal King, an infinite and unchangeable Spirit, existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—equal in power and glory.

  • Satan, once a great angel, rebelled against God, leading a host of angels in rebellion, establishing a counter-kingdom of darkness and evil.

  • God upholds His rule over the earth through providence, establishing covenants to reveal His grace. These covenants, including those with Abraham and David, express His redemptive plan.

  • The Holy Spirit empowers believers, indwelling them, gifting them for ministry, and driving back Satan's kingdom by spreading the Gospel.

  • Through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, individuals are released from Satan's dominion and enter God's kingdom.

  • Jesus established two ordinances for the Church—water baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper—available to all believers.

  • Marriage is ordained by God as an exclusive covenantal union between one man and one woman, according to His design.

  • God created humanity in His image, but through the Fall, sin entered the world, subjecting all to God's judgment and Satan's dominion.

  • Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human, inaugurated God's kingdom reign, overcame Satan's reign, and now reigns eternally as Messiah-King.

  • The Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit, is without error and serves as the final authority for faith and practice.

  • Believers form the living Body of Christ, united under Him as Head, to advance His kingdom on earth.

  • God's kingdom has come through Jesus Christ, will continue to come through the Church, and will be consummated with Christ's return, final judgment, and eternal blessings.